Saturday, November 3, 2007

Our Crucifix in not ... just another cross

At a recent funeral of a dear cousin, the person standing at the podium, introduced himself as the pastor of the Vincent Settlement Baptist Church. He was short of statue and looked in his mid-50s. But he was standing tall ... as he started to talk.
In his introduction, he remarked that 'I do not know Mr. Hooper, although I was told by relatives that he had attended our church when he was younger.'
Mr. Hooper, in his retirement, had a brother who belongs to the Assembly of God denomination ... and at times, has been pastor of several churches in this area. He now attends the new one in Sulphur, where the old Kroger used to be. But he is not the pastor there; just helping when needed.
I did not ask that Mr. Hooper if the deceased attended that church. He had been quite sickly for over 5 months; and I am not aware of much of his activities during that time. >>>There is really no excuse; although I used the illness of my husband and our oldest daughter ... as a reason to stay close to home ... not knowing how ill my cousin was.
This man at the podium was talking about our 'asking' our Father, GOD for favors; even for the healing of extremely ill friends and relatives.
That led him into ... 'even Jesus, in the garden, asked our Father ... for relief of his burden and cross'. Ohe, yes ... this man made it clear that Jesus knew his destiny. But what he was leading up to ... was ... if Jesus ... in his divinity ... could ask for relief from our Father ... why did we, as lowly human beings ... although created to be with GOD ... think that we ... do not need any help ... not even from HIM. And he started to slowly sink ... toward the floor.
As he said ... 'Jesus, on his knees ... asked our Father ... for relief'. He sank a little lower; still talking ... 'if HE could ask ... why NOT should we'. He raised his voice ... and again ... sank lower; 'why NOT, my friends and fellow mourners ... should we NOT ask ... our Father ... on our knees when we are in need'.
He went on and on about our needing our Father ... and then he stood straight. 'Yes, we have legs to stand on. But in our greatest need ... as today, we NEED to ask our Father ... on our knees ... to take Mr. Hooper home to his eternal rest in the arms of our Jesus ... and we NEED to ask our Father ... on our knees ... to take our tears and turn them into good. Good for us; good for our fellow mourners; good for the whole world of brothers and sisters'.
Now, let me say here ... I am not quoting exactly; because it was a couple of months ago. And his talking was much longer than I have recited. AND ...
Yes, I am sure some of you are saying to yourself ... 'When is she going to get to the title of this writing. RIGHT NOW!!! Whew, thought I would not, huh?
***I look up at the Crucifix in our church, every Sunday ... as I enter ... and say 'good morning, Jesus'. Yes, that is after I have said my morning prayers at home. But this is different. I am looking up at the face of our GOD, Son and Savior.*** >>>BUT ... today was different.<<<
And remember, I was at that funeral ... over 2 months ago. And I have not missed a Sunday ... and even went during the week a couple of time ... to Mass ... so have seen this magnificent huge Crucifix on many occasions.
BUT ... TODAY WAS DIFFERENT!!! I was praying for a special intention; trying to plead with Jesus and his Blessed Mother Mary ... Mother of the Church; Queen of Peace; Queen of Heaven and earth. I was pleading for peace ... peace in our family; peace in this house; peace in the world.
I put my head down, thinking of all the marvelous things GOD has done in the lives of my family over the past year. Many good things have come to us; physical health; financial blessings; and TODAY ... a new baby girl.
&&&WELCOME, MyLeeJo ... sweet baby ... so lucky to be born to a mother and father who wanted her so much and love each other.
BUT no ... great-grandmother is not satisfied. Two of our four children do not attend any church service. And one of them is the granddad of MyLeeJo and Riley.

Sooooooooo, there I was praying ... praying ... praying ... for our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren ... to come to the Altar of Jesus.
That is what this is ... all about. The gospel today was ... 'ask and you shall receive'. That so did hit home. Here I was ... asking, begging, pleading ... before Mass, without knowing what the readings were; for our children to not only pray, but to attend Mass.
And I looked up ... into the face of Our Lord and Savior on the cross. That Crucifix has been right where it is ... for many years. BUT ... TODAY ... I noticed ... HIS head is held high ... HIS eyes are open ... HE is looking upward ... as though he is pleading 'Let this cup pass'. NO, HE did that in the garden ... before even ... the WAY OF THE CROSS.
Of course, I know; that is what this is all about. How many Crucifixes have you seen in your life. Are they not of the 'dead' Jesus? Is not HIS head ... always ... resting on HIS shoulder? Is not ... HIS eyes always closed?
I CHECKED AGAIN; rosaries that I have. Yes, HIS head is down and HIS eyes are closed. Now I am so enthralled with this Crucifix ... I can just see myself ... visiting the other Catholic Churches around the area.
Am I dreaming??? No, I gazed at that face ... over and over ... even as I got nearer to receive the Body and Blood of our Sweet Jesus. Something has happened to me today. On the inside; in my heart, soul and mind. I am joyful as I have never been before. Tears of joy are filling my eyes. And there is a fullness is in my chest. I cannot hear or feel my heart beating ... so that fulness has to be in ... my soul. After all, I attend Mass at this Catholic Church every Sunday if I am in town. Why was today so different?
WHAT happened today? WHY was it so different? WILL is always be this way now. HOW can it be explained? Maybe it should not be explained ... but I have a questioning nature. Be sure, I will explore further. (Original post on July 30; today is November 3; I still have not received the explanation in my mind that I want ... but no longer need. I just say ... 'Jesus, I trust in YOU' ... and let him work in me to praise and glorify HIS name.
I full well know that this writing has ended up being much longer than I intended; but I just let my fingers flow with my mind in charge. I even went back and added ... because the buttons allowed me to 'edit'. ;-)
To all of you who read it to this point, Merci Beaucoup Plusse' ... and ... DIEU TE BENISSE!!! GOD BLESS!!! You, yours; and ... me and mine.
Que le Bon-Dieu vous bénisse ... May God bless all of you, Macile


Anonymous said...

don't cha love when God works on our insides?

Esther said...

Hi, Macile,

I often focus on the crucifix in our church while at Mass...

I know it is just wood and plaster, but it helps me connect with the real Christ to whom I pray.

I'm glad the Lord touched you in this way. He sometimes does that when we least expect it.
